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Beehive Yourself Podcast

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About The Podcast

Summer Solstice at White Horse Hill, Uffington.

The Beehive Yourself Podcast: a quiet place for you to escape; a soundscape of calm; something to listen to when dosing in bed; a timeless world beyond the now. 

Consider coming on a journey with the Beehive Yourself Podcast.  Sometimes I will take you by the hand into the realm of bees.  Other times, we can revisit the olden days on the Berkshire Downs.  Yet most times, I am likely to poke fun at the craziness that dwells amongst us.

Beehive Yourself Podcast

Steven Herbert with a silly cow.

I desire to keep the tentacles of big tech at arms length.  So dear listener, you need to play your part.  Please use the RSS link for this show and pop it in your feed aggregator app.  Visit the ‘subscribe’ page to find out more.

What Are/Were The Influences For The Show?

KMO’s C-Realm podcast is a big influence on this journey into podcasting.  In my opinion, the golden episodes of the C-Realm podcasts were between numbers 70 – 300 (approx).  Thereafter, KMO ditched the mellow intro music along with collapse-ology sub-theme.  Back then, it was such a chilled show; equivalent to sitting around a campfire and being zoned-out.  Moreover, this is the feel I wish to create for the Beehive Yourself Podcast.

Beehive Yourself Podcast : Bees on head.

What Will Be The Frequency Of The Beehive Yourself Podcast?

I liken the Podcast as an offcut of my writing and YouTube endeavours.  This is my cunning plan: I have a lightbulb moment and shine said electrical fitting on useful keywords.  Thereafter, I make sentences and paragraphs, transform them into a magnificent audio, and use the power of my voice as a soundbed.  Subsequently, I go forth into the world and take video footage.  I mix everything together, with the aid of a wooden spoon and a large bowl, to create both a video and a podcast.

Therefore, to answer the question, the frequency of this podcast is likely to fall into the category of infrequent.

In conclusion, if you like my big idea for a podcast consider subscribing.

More About Beehive Yourself

The main website is beehiveyourself.co.uk

The YouTube Channel is @beehiveyourself